The Leadership & Coaching Index (LCI) assessment provides every leader with a metric for their leadership & coaching disposition – the mindset, language, posture, capabilities, and behaviors. The leader can then determine their strengths and opportunities for growing their coaching capability to maximize their leadership effectiveness.

Research has proven that leaders with a higher leadership & coaching index:

  1. Consistently deliver higher performance through their teams.
  2. Empower their teams and delegate more freeing their time to focus on strategic matters
  3. Spur creativity and innovation everyday
  4. Ignite greatness in others and keep them engaged, challenged and inspired
  5. They nurture great relationships at work and beyond, and they build solid trust accounts.
  6. Are super resilient and manage well under crisis and disruptions.
  7. Are ultimately transformational in every aspect of their lives.
  8. Enjoy a greater sense of fulfillment.

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Leadership & Coaching Index (LCI) Assessment

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